Tambo Club Comp 2014
20-21st September Members fished Tambo for our annual Bream comp, Fishing was slow at times, however there were still quite a few bream caught, while most were undersize, there were quite a few caught around the 0.5kg mark, most fish were released.
Congratulations to Ann Przbysz how took out the comp for the longest bream which was released, and Nicky Falzon who took out the Aggregate with a Bream and Luderick.
Unfortunately we didn’t get any photos of these fish, however here are a couple of other good Bream caught over the weekend.
Eildon Ansa Convention 2014
A few of our members attended the Lake Eildon ANSA Convention on the 30-31st August, Most of our members fished the pondage and done well, average trout weight in was 2kg, a couple of members fished the Lake and it was slow.
Congratulations to Southern Boat FC who took out the Senior Championship & Bellarine LG & SFC how took out the juniors.
Toolondo Weekend Away
Last minute, a few members decided to go back to our much loved Toolondo 23/08/2014, as the fishing is just too good, and the water levels are dangerously low, we wanted to squeeze in one last trip before the warmer weather.
About 12 members attended, and there was approximately 20 good fish caught over the weekend.
The top Lake fished much better as there was less weed, and clearer water, mixture of bait and lures.
A special congratulations to one of our youngsters Todd Gusman who manager a great Rainbow trout 2.36kg on 2kg Line...
Good on ya mate…
Presentation Night 2014
Presentation 2014 was held at Club Italia Sunshine, we had 79 seniors & 18 Juniors attend,
This is a special night where we all get together with our families and friends, have dinner, drink and a let loose.
Whilst we congratulated our members who achieved the winning trophies.
A special thank you to those who made the night happen.
Veronica & Charlie Gauchi, Brad Gusman, John Greszczuk, Vic Cauchi, and all of our members for attending.
Extra Special Thank you to our Sponsors
Photos coming soon…
Toolondo June 2014
16 Members, 8 Boats fished Lake Toolondo 26th& 27th June 2014, approximately 20 fish were caught.
Congratulations to Wayne Zita who took out the Club comp champion for the weekend with 2 species, Rainbow Trout, Brown Tout totaling 160 points